SZpackWrapper Documentation

The szpack_wrapper package provides some high-level functions to work with SZpack developed by J. Chluba and Eric R. Switzer.

SZpack License

The license section from the README file of the SZpack.v1.1.1 tarball:

// This code and all contained libraries and subroutines can be used free of charge provided that:
// (i) their use will be acknowledged in publications
// (ii) the paper of
//          Chluba, Nagai, Sazonov, Nelson, MNRAS, 2012 (arXiv:1205.5778)
//          Chluba, Switzer, Nagai, Nelson, 2012, arXiv:1211.3206
//  will be cited, and the following papers are considered for citation:
//          Sazonov & Sunyaev, ApJ, 1998
//          Challinor & Lasenby, ApJ, 1998
//          Itoh et al., ApJ, 1998
//          Nozawa et al. ApJ, 1998
//      Nozawa et al. Nuovo Cimento B Series, 2006
// (iii) bugs will be immediately reported to


The SZpack depends on the GNU Scientific Library (GSL), which has to be installed and made available in the environment.

The low level python interface comes along with SZPack also depends on SWIG. Please refer to the documentation for how to install.

To install szpack_wrapper,

$ gsl-config --version  # check that GSL is installed
$ which swig  # check that swig is installed
$ pip install szpack_wrapper

Behind the scene, the SZpack v1.1.1 is bundled with this package in the szpack_wrapper/extern folder, and an accompanying file is used to leverage the extension-helpers to build the code as a C extension.


szpack_wrapper Package



This class defines high level interface to call SZpack.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of