Source code for tollan.utils.fmt

#! /usr/bin/env python

import inspect
import pyaml
import textwrap
import numpy as np
import math
# from astropy.modeling import Model

__all__ = [
        'pformat_paths', 'pformat_list', 'pformat_dict', 'pformat_obj',
        'pformat_yaml', 'pformat_fancy_index', 'model_to_dict',

[docs]def pformat_paths(paths, sep='\n', relative_to=None, sort=False): def fmt_path(p): if relative_to is not None: p = p.relative_to(relative_to) return f'{p!s}' def trans(paths): if sort: return sorted(paths) return paths return sep.join(trans(fmt_path(p) for p in paths))
[docs]def pformat_list(lst, indent, minw=60, max_cell_width=40, fancy=True): if not lst or not lst[0]: width = None else: if max_cell_width is None: max_cell_width == np.inf width = [ min(max_cell_width, max(len(str(e[i])) for e in lst)) for i in range(len(lst[0]))] def get_cell_width(c): return len(c[0]) if len(c) > 0 else 1 def fmt_elem(e, width=width, fancy=fancy): if len(e) == 1: return "{}".format(e) else: if width is not None and (fancy or len(e) == 2): if fancy: fmt = '| {} |'.format( ' | '.join("{{:<{}s}}".format(w) for w in width)) else: # len(e) == 2 fmt = "{{:<{}s}}: {{}}".format(width[0]) elif len(e) == 2: fmt = "{}: {}" else: fmt = ", ".join("{}" for _ in e) if (len(e) == 2) and isinstance(e[1], (float)): return fmt.format(str(e[0]), "{:g}".format(e[1])) if len(e) == 2 and hasattr(e[1], 'items'): return fmt.format( str(e[0]), pformat_dict(e[1], indent=indent + 2)) # do wrapping if max_cell_width > 0 and width is not None: cells = [ textwrap.wrap(str(ee), width=w) for ee, w in zip(e, width)] rows = [] for i in range(max(len(c) for c in cells)): row = fmt.format(*( c[i] if i < len(c) else ' ' * get_cell_width(c) for c in cells)) rows.append(row) return '\n'.join(rows) return fmt.format(*map(str, e)) flat = "[{}]".format( ', '.join(map(lambda e: fmt_elem(e, width=None), lst))) if len(flat) > minw: return textwrap.indent( ''.join(f'\n{fmt_elem(e)}' for e in lst), ' ' * indent) # fmt = "{{:{}s}}{{}}".format(indent) # return "\n{}".format( # '\n'.join(fmt.format(" ", fmt_elem(e)) for e in l)) else: return flat
[docs]def pformat_dict(d, indent=2, minw=60): return pformat_list([e for e in d.items()], indent, fancy=False, minw=minw)
[docs]def pformat_obj(m): """Return info of python object.""" result = [] result.append(str(m)) if isinstance(m, list): return str(m) if isinstance(m, dict): return pformat_dict(m) def iskeep(n): if n in ['logger', ]: return False return not n.startswith('__') obj_attrs = [n for n in getattr(m, "__dict__", dict()).keys() if iskeep(n)] def format_attrs(attrs): result = [] for n in attrs: a = getattr(m, n) # d = getattr(a, '__doc__', None) or str(a) d = str(a) d = d.split('\n')[0] if inspect.isfunction(a): s = f"{n}{inspect.signature(a)}" else: s = f"{n}" result.append((s, d)) width = max(len(n) for n, _ in result) + 1 return result, width if obj_attrs: fmt_obj_attrs, width = format_attrs(obj_attrs) result.append(" attrs:") for s, d in fmt_obj_attrs: result.append(f" {{:{width}}}: {{}}".format(s, d)) return '\n'.join(result)
[docs]def pformat_yaml(obj): return f"\n{pyaml.dump(obj)}"
[docs]def pformat_fancy_index(i): if isinstance(i, slice): if i.start is None: start = '' else: start = i.start if i.stop is None: stop = '' else: stop = i.stop result = f'[{start}:{stop}{{}}]' if i.step is None or i.step == 1: result = result.format('') else: result = result.format(f':{i.step}') return result if isinstance(i, np.ndarray): return f'<mask {np.sum(i)}/{i.size}>' return i
def pformat_bar( value, width=40, prefix="", vmin=0., vmax=1., border=True, fill=' ', reverse=False): """Return a progressbar-like str representation of value. Parameters ========== value : float Value to be represented. width: int Bar width (in character). prefix: string Text to be prepend to the bar. vmin : float Minimum value. vmax : float Maximum value. """ # This code is based on # noqa: E501 # The original license: # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2016, Nicolas P. Rougier # Distributed under the (new) BSD License. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Block progression is 1/8 if reverse: # blocks = ["", "▐", "█"] blocks = ' ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█' else: blocks = ["", "▏", "▎", "▍", "▌", "▋", "▊", "▉", "█"] vmin = vmin or 0.0 vmax = vmax or 1.0 if border: lsep, rsep = "▏", "▕" else: lsep, rsep = " ", " " # Normalize value value = min(max(value, vmin), vmax) value = (value - vmin) / (vmax - vmin) v = value * width x = math.floor(v) # integer part y = v - x # fractional part i = int(round(y * (len(blocks) - 1))) bar = "█" * x barfrac = blocks[i] n = width - x - 1 nobar = fill * n if reverse: bar = f'{lsep}{nobar}{barfrac}{bar}{rsep}' else: bar = f'{lsep}{bar}{barfrac}{nobar}{rsep}' return bar
[docs]def model_to_dict(m): d = dict() for s in str(m).split('\n'): s = s.strip() if s == '': continue k, v = s.split(':', 1) d[k] = v.strip() return d
pyaml.add_representer(np.float64, lambda s, d: s.represent_float(d)) pyaml.add_representer(np.float32, lambda s, d: s.represent_float(d)) pyaml.add_representer(np.int32, lambda s, d: s.represent_int(d)) pyaml.add_representer(np.int64, lambda s, d: s.represent_int(d)) pyaml.add_representer(None, lambda s, d: s.represent_str(str(d)))