
tollan.utils.fileloc(loc, local_parent_path=None, remote_parent_path=None)[source]

Return a FileLoc object.

locstr, Path, tuple, FileLoc

The location of the file, composed of the hostname and the path. It can take the form of the follows:

  • str. In this case, loc is interpreted as a local path, or a remote path similar to sftp syntax: <hostname>:<abspath>. A remote relative path is not supported.

  • Path. It is a local path.

  • Tuple of (<hostname>, <abspath>). It is a remote path, unless hostname is “localhost”. A remote relative path is not supported.

  • FileLoc. It is returned unaltered.

local_parent_pathstr, Path, None

If not None, this is used as the parent of local relative path. Otherwise, the current path (pwd) is used. Ignored if loc is FileLoc.

remote_parent_pathstr, Path, None

If not None and is absolute, this is used as the parent of remote relative path. Otherwise, ValueError will be raised if a remote relative path is given. Ignored if loc is FileLoc.