
tollan.utils.namespace.object_from_dict(d, _namespace_from_dict_op=<function copy>, _namespace_from_dict_schema=None, _namespace_type_key='__class__', _namespace_check_type=None, _namespace_default_type=None, **kwargs)[source]

Construct a Namespace object from dict.


If set, this is applied to the input dict d before the kwargs get merged to it. Default is “copy”.

_namespace_from_dict_schemaSchema or None

If set, it is used to filter the dict before instantiate the instance.


This is passed to getobj to get the type of the object to be constructed. NamespaceNotFoundError is raised if no valid namespace type is found.

_namespace_check_typecallable or None

If set, it is evaluated with the found namespace type for validation. NamespaceTypeError is raised if the validation fails.

_namespace_default_typeNamespaceMixin subclass.

If set, this is assumed when the namespace type cannot be inferred from _namespace_type_key.


Additional keyword arguments that get updated to the dict.