Source code for tolteca.simu.plots

#!/usr/bin/env python

from tollan.utils.dataclass_schema import DataclassNamespace
from schema import Schema, Optional
from .. import plots_registry
from .visibility import plot_visibility
from .mapping import plot_mapping

_common_plotter_schema = {
    Optional('save', default=False, description='Save the figure.'): bool

[docs]@plots_registry.register('visibility') class VisibilityPlotConfig(DataclassNamespace): """The config class for visibility plot.""" _namespace_from_dict_schema = Schema(dict(_common_plotter_schema))
[docs] def __call__(self, cfg): """Make visibility plot for simulation config `cfg`.""" target_coord = cfg.mapping.target_coord target_name = str( return plot_visibility( t0=cfg.mapping.t0, targets=[target_coord], target_names=[target_name], show=not # we handle the save later in the run() method )
[docs]@plots_registry.register('mapping') class MappingPlotConfig(DataclassNamespace): """The config class for mapping trajectory plot.""" _namespace_from_dict_schema = Schema(dict(_common_plotter_schema))
[docs] def __call__(self, cfg): """Make mapping plot for simulation config `cfg`.""" target_name = str( return plot_mapping( simulator=cfg.instrument(cfg), mapping=cfg.mapping(cfg), target_name=target_name, show=not # we handle the save later in the run() method )