
class tolteca.simu.sources.CatalogSourceModel(catalog, pos_cols=('ra', 'dec'), name_col='source_name', data_cols=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: tolteca.simu.sources.base.SurfaceBrightnessModel

The class for simulator source specified by catalog.


The source catalog.

pos_colstuple, optional

A 2-tuple specifying the column names of source positions.

data_colslist of dict, optional

A list of dicts that tag the flux column names with labels. All items shall have matching dict keys, and have the colname key referring to the column name of the catalog. An educated guess will be made when missing.

name_colstr, optional

Specify the column names to included in the returned data. If None, an educated guess will be made.

Attributes Summary




The number of inputs.


The number of outputs.


Methods Summary

__call__(*inputs[, model_set_axis, ...])

Evaluate this model using the given input(s) and the parameter values that were specified when the model was instantiated.

evaluate(*args, **kwargs)

Evaluate the model on some input variables.

from_file(filepath, **kwargs)

Return source model from catalog file.

make_image_model(fwhms, pixscale)

Attributes Documentation

logger = <Logger CatalogSourceModel (DEBUG)>
n_inputs = 4

The number of inputs.

n_outputs = 1

The number of outputs.


Methods Documentation

__call__(*inputs, model_set_axis=None, with_bounding_box=False, fill_value=nan, equivalencies=None, inputs_map=None, **new_inputs)

Evaluate this model using the given input(s) and the parameter values that were specified when the model was instantiated.

evaluate(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Evaluate the model on some input variables.

classmethod from_file(filepath, **kwargs)[source]

Return source model from catalog file.

filepathstr, pathlib.Path

The path to the catalog file.


Arguments passed to constructor.

make_image_model(fwhms, pixscale)[source]